Where can you find me?

Photo: Adrian Ritter (UZH News)


Office PLK-201
Plattenstr. 54
CH-8032 Zurich

(click here for a map) 

Phone: +41(0)44 634 2995
Fax: +41(0)44 634 4968

Email: volker.dellwo[at]uzh.ch
  • 07-2014: Martin Meyer, Norbert Dillier and I got a grant to investigate the role of age in the processing of temporal characteristics in speech.

  • 01-01-2014: Together with the EMPA I got 340 k CHF from the Gebert-Rüf Stiftung to build an automatic speaker identification software predominantly based on temporal features in speech. More info here.


  • April: Invited talk at University Grenoble

  • May: Master course on speaker individualities in Madrid.

  • August: Invited talk at Prosody Workshop in Campinas/Brasil

  • September: Our lab will host the IAFPA annual meeting 2014 in Zurich from Aug 31. to Sep 3.

  • Oktober:  Plenary talk at ERP (Madrid)

  • November: Best Practic Seminar at BKA Wiesbaden
past news and events

 Stefanie Baeurle
Stephanie Bäurle
Undergraduate research assistant in Team 'Composed Theatre'
picture Dario Brander (MA)
Post-graduate research assistant in Team 'Cocktail-Party'
picture Daniel Friedrichs (MA)
Research assistant and Phd student in Team 'Vocalic variability in speech'.
Kostis Dimos (MA, MSc)
Research assistant and Phd student in Team 'Composed Theatre'.

picture Marie-José Kolly (MA)
Research assistant and Phd student in Team 'Speaker Identification'
Lei He
Lei He (MA, MSc)
Research assistant and PhD student in project 'VoiceTime'
Ephraim Seidenberg
Ephraim Seidenberg
Undergraduate research assistant in Team ' Composed Theatre'.